Tuesday, January 11, 2011

3 course meal plan, steak-based

Ok, everyone (yup: that's all 2 of you, at the moment...), this is the one which I've been waiting for--my piece de resistance:  la cage au bullion!
     While there are more recipes coming (some tried, some trite, some tripe [mayhap], some wanton, and some found wanting), this one is a heart attack waiting to happen.  It's delicious, tasteful, well balanced in flavors (though perhaps not quite as well balanced in its potential health effects...).
     The meal plan is presented sequentially by course number, each course broken down by subset (for example: 2.A. covers the main course's meat serving, and is presented from bottom-most layer [2.A.1 rice] to top-most [2.A.3.c Swiss cheese]).  The one flaw in it, to me, is that it lacks a vegetable, but that can always be ad libbed (carefully).
     This meal plan is perhaps a bit of a let-down, as far as actual how-to recipes go, since it delineates only what to make, not how you can make them.  For most people, I'm not too worried about your ability to make tea, or to figure out the right balance of green onions to shallots (harder than tea, but you can probably figure out how you'd like your onion soup to be flavored), but the crème brûlée (in the dessert course's alternative selection)... yeah, that might be a bit trickier.
     I do have a crème brûlée recipe, though I haven't tried it, and I don't even have an untried recipe for bakalava (in the alternative to the alternative dessert) as yet (so, obviously, we had had this meal with the primary sorbet dessert).
     Ok, so, enough yammer now:  eat, drink, and be merry!

La cage au bullion:
   1  A)  onion soup (light, not French);
       B)  salad with balsamic vinaigrette;
       C)  orange pekoe tea;

   2  A.1)  bed of wild rice,
       A.2)  covered-roast steak (i.e.: nearly par-broiled [albeit in red wine, so technically not actually par broiled, as such], with Portobello mushrooms, apples, pears, & pearl onions) laid atop the rice,
       A.3.a)  medium coat of bleu cheese,
       A.3.b)  overlaid by pinwheel of alternating thin-strip-bacon and thickened beef bullion-and-drippings sauce,
       A.3.c)  overlaid in turn by thin sliced Swiss cheese;
       B)  red wine (a reasonably strong body, but not sufficient to overpower the main course);

   3  A)  sorbet on vanilla wafers with a few mint leaves to garnish;
       B)  rich semi-sweetened cappuccino;

   3-ALT.:  crème brûlée (alt-alt: perhaps baklava?), with amaretto-cappuccino

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