Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Cherry tart

     Couldn't sleep (ok, did sleep for ~1/2 an hour, woke up for no apparent reason whatsoever, couldn't get back to sleep).
     So, here's a quicky: the cherry tart.
     The original recipe called for 1/2 cup sugar, but after a minor clerical error, the result was actually better than the original.  It's not an original recipe (aside from the sugar content being tripled), but I don't know where it actually came from otherwise (I suspect that it was the label of some brand of cherry pie filling).
     It's pretty quick and easy, and has a somewhat crunchy crust.
     (If you're quite familiar with snow, then a good metaphor would be that of the crust of icy-crumbly stuff a 1/4" thick, the way that it can form on top of a few inches of powdery snow which had been followed by a slightly slushy light sleet, then permitted to hard-freeze overnight w/o much further precipitation;  y'know: the kind which seems stable upon setting foot onto it, but which you must first thrust into to break the surface, and then follow-up on gently so as not to go head over heels due to the seemingly frictionless and inertialess fluffy crap beneath.)
     Anyway, it's a damned good (though again: very high calorie) desert, as long as you can stand the sweetness.  I've never tried it w/ splenda or other sugar substitutes (maybe it would taste ok, but I'm none too sure of the possible resulting crust), but if you do, then please post a comment describing what you did and what the resulting differences were (if any).


1 cup butter
1½ cups sugar
4 eggs
1 tsp almond extract
2 cups flour
2 tsp baking powder
1x21 oz. can cherry pie filling

Preheat oven to 350*F.
Grease 9x13 pan.
Mix all ingredients except for pie filling.
Pour into greased pan.
Spoon pie filling in 16 spots.
Bake for 45-50 minutes.

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